学术问 & A

Who can apply for scholarships at WCC?
我们鼓励所有在校生申请奖学金. 强烈考虑WCC的学生也应该申请奖学金.  

Do I need my Student ID number to apply?
是的,你必须有一个WCC学生识别号码来完成申请.  If you do not have an ID number or do not know your ID number, 请致电WCC招生办公室(276)223-4701或1(800)468-1195分机. 4701 prior to beginning your application. 

How many scholarships are available?
WCC已经结束了 200个私人奖学金 and four additional tuition scholarship programs, the Wythe-Bland Scholarship, the Twin County Community Foundation Scholarship, the Smyth Promise Scholarship,和 Forging Futures Scholarship. 学生只需要完成一份申请就有资格获得所有奖学金. 

Simply fill out the short 应用在线. Make sure to complete every section, including the essay section. 学生只需要完成一份申请就有资格获得所有奖学金.

奖学金每年颁发两次,分别在秋季和春季学期.  Priority scholarships awards for the 秋天 semester are made in June, and priority applications are due around the beginning of May.  Priority scholarship awards for the 春天 semester are made in November, and priority applications are due around the beginning of October.  学生将在学院网站上收到每学期优先奖学金截止日期的通知, 在脸谱网上, 通过学生的邮件.  奖学金申请和紧急援助申请在特殊和情有可依的情况下全年接受,并进行单独审查.

Scholarship applicants must also have a complete FAFSA to be awarded any scholarship. 

I have applied for a scholarship.  When will I find out if I received a scholarship award?
优先奖学金申请人将通过邮件收到获奖或未获奖的书面通知.   春季奖的通知通常在11月发出,秋季奖的通知通常在6月发出.

I received a scholarship award.  现在?
Scholarship recipients will receive a letter detailing the next steps. 一般, 获奖者必须在获得奖学金之前提供打印并签名的感谢信和签署的奖学金协议表格.

Tell me about the Wythe-Bland Scholarship Program. 我有资格吗??
怀特-布兰德基金会奖学金计划为所有从怀斯和布兰德县高中毕业的合格居民提供全额学费和杂费.  The program began in 2007. 该奖学金最多覆盖五(5)个连续学期,从高中毕业后的夏季学期开始, 秋天, 春天, 夏天, 秋天, 春天).  符合条件的毕业生, 怀特-布兰德基金会奖学金计划将支付联邦或州财政援助或其他奖学金不包括的学费和费用. 怀特-布兰德基金会奖学金计划的详细信息

Tell me about the Twin County Community Foundation Scholarship Program. 我有资格吗??
双子县社区基金会奖学金计划为所有从卡罗尔县毕业的合格居民提供全额学费和杂费, 加莱克斯, and Grayson County high schools with at least a 3.高中平均绩点.  The program began in 2019. 该奖学金最多覆盖五(5)个连续学期,从高中毕业后的夏季学期开始, 秋天, 春天, 夏天, 秋天, 春天).  符合条件的毕业生, 双子县社区基金会奖学金计划将支付联邦或州财政援助或其他奖学金不包括的学费和费用. 关于双县社区基金会奖学金计划的详细信息

Tell me about the Forging Futures Scholarship Program.  我有资格吗??
通过弗吉尼亚烟草赔偿和社区振兴委员会向WCC提供的慷慨赠款资金, WCC教育基金会设立了“WCC锻造未来奖学金计划”,“这是一个独特的项目,为有经济需要的合格学生提供全额学费和杂费奖学金.  Detailed information about the Forging Futures Scholarship Program

Tell me about the Smyth County PROMISE Program Scholarship.  我有资格吗??
史密斯县承诺计划为所有从史密斯县公立学校毕业的合格居民提供全额学费和杂费, 私立学校或家庭学校, beginning with the class of 2023. 该奖学金涵盖从高中毕业后的秋季学期开始的连续五(5)个学期, 秋天, 春天, 夏天, 秋天, 春天). 符合条件的毕业生, 史密斯县承诺计划奖学金将支付联邦或州财政援助或其他奖学金未涵盖的学费和费用. Detailed information about the Smyth County PROMISE Program Scholarship

Do I have to pay back my scholarship?

No, typically students do not have to repay scholarship, as long as they meet the terms of the scholarship agreement.

I applied and did not receive a scholarship this semester.  Does that mean I won’t receive a scholarship next semester?
Scholarship applications are reviewed and awarded each semester.  一学期未获奖学金者,鼓励申请下学期奖学金. 

What are the basic academic requirements for scholarships?
All students must have at least a 2.0 grade point average or higher to receive any scholarship.

What are the other requirements for scholarships?
Some scholarships require community service, like the Wythe-Bland Scholarship Program, Twin County Foundation Scholarship Program,和 Smyth County PROMISE Program Scholarship. Others require a thank you letter. Some scholarships require letters of recommendation.  一些奖学金获得者必须参加每年春季学期的年度奖学金午餐.

Do I have to be a full-time student to receive a scholarship?
No.  然而,有些奖学金是专门为全日制学生指定的. 大多数奖学金要求学生在WCC注册至少6个学分. 修满12学分的学生可按比例获得奖学金.

How much is each scholarship?
奖学金数额各不相同,因为每个奖学金基金和捐赠基金是单独设立的. However, most scholarships range from $300 to $500.  奖学金 like the Wythe-Bland Scholarship, 双子县社区基金会奖学金和锻造期货奖学金没有具体数额,并向合格的申请人支付剩余的学费和费用, 一旦所有其他联邦和州财政援助和额外的奖学金申请.

What can I use the scholarship for?
一般 scholarships may be used for tuition, 书, or other educational expenses, depending on the individual scholarship criteria. The Wythe-Bland Scholarship, the Twin County Community Foundation Scholarship, the Smyth County PROMISE Program Scholarship,和 Forging Futures Scholarship cover tuition only.  奖学金 are issued in the form of a tuition or book voucher, 教科书的贷款, balance check or placed on a payment contract.

I received state and/or federal financial aid.  Is this the same thing as a scholarship?

I didn’t receive any state or federal financial aid.  Does that mean I am not eligible for scholarships?
Scholarship eligibility is not always based on financial need.  Many of our scholarships do require financial need, but many others do not require that a student have financial need. Some scholarships are based on academic merit.

I received a scholarship at my high school.  Does WCC Educational Foundation provide that award to me?
通常由WCC以外的组织颁发的奖学金不由学院管理. 请联系你的高中指导部门了解这些奖学金的信息. 

Where does the scholarship money come from?
奖学金是由许多慷慨的私人捐赠者提供的,他们相信社区大学教育的价值.  Some scholarships are provided through generous grant funds. 威斯-布兰德奖学金项目由威斯-布兰德基金会资助, 双子县社区基金会奖学金由双子县社区基金会资助, Smyth县承诺项目奖学金由Smyth县监事会和Smyth县社区基金会资助,锻造未来奖学金项目由弗吉尼亚烟草委员会资助.

我还有问题要问. How can I contact your office?

WCC Educational Foundation Office
(276) 223-4771
1-800-468-1195 toll-free

On campus: Smyth Hall, Room 147

搜索 for information about available scholarships with the Virginia Education Wizard.