Medical Laboratory Technology

Career and Technical Studies
Associate of Applied Science in Medical Laboratory
Five-semester (two-year program)

医学实验室技术课程是一门集中学习和协调实践的课程,旨在为学生提供作为一名有贡献的卫生专业人员加入医学领域所需的知识和技能. 副学士学位课程为学生作为医学实验室技术人员的就业做好准备. Upon satisfactory completion of program requirements, 该学生有资格参加国家注册考试,以获得医学实验室技术员的认证,并有资格在各种医学和科学实验室环境中就业. 本专业由国务院高等教育委员会和国家临床检验科学认可机构(NAACLS)全面批准。.

Mission Statement:

博彩平台网址大全医学实验室技术项目的使命是培养有知识的毕业生, ethical, 并准备高技能的实验室人员通过国家认证考试,满足区域实验室劳动力需求.

Offered: 学生每两年入学一次,下一届从2024年秋季学期开始. Deadline for applications will be March 15, 2024.


Minimum Admission Requirements: (Please see the information below concerning selective admission.)

Applicants must be high school graduates or the equivalent. In order to meet the admission requirements, the applicant must have completed:

  1. WCC申请(包括所有高中和大学成绩单或在规定截止日期前的GED副本).
  2. 通过直接入学和诊断测试,英语和数学能力达到MDE 60, or by satisfactorily completing the required EDE and/or MDE units or the equivalent.  所有发展性课程必须在下一学年秋季入学前的春季学期完成.*
  3. High school biology or equivalent (one unit) with at least “C”.
  4. High school chemistry or equivalent (one unit) with at least “C”.
  5. A 2.0 average for high school courses or a 2.0 cumulative average for all college coursework.**
  6. Take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS).
  7. An interview/information session with the program head or designee.

*在3月15日截止日期之前完成所有学术要求的学生将被优先录取. 在春季完成发展性课程的学生将被录取到该项目中任何剩余的空缺名额, based on the selective admission criteria.

**如果学生完成了至少12个包括在计算大学GPA的大学学分(非发展性课程), the 2.0 high school GPA requirement will be waived.

如果某一年的申请人数超过了录取名额,大学将采用选择性录取. 有关选择标准的详细说明,请参阅卫生专业准入包. The packet is available in the Admissions Office.

Student Success Data

MLT Student Success Data Chart


Program Requirements: Upon admission to the Medical Laboratory program, the following are necessary:

  1. The student must have a complete medical examination, which must include a 2-step tuberculin skin test, a profile of medical condition, designated immunizations, and documentation of HBV and varicella status. A chest x-ray is required only if the tuberculin test is positive. 医疗检查和所有必要测试的费用将由学生负责.
  2. 学生必须接受犯罪背景调查和尿检(见下文)。. Costs will be the responsibility of the student.
  3. 学生必须阅读本课程所需的基本/技术标准,并在签名中表明已准备好满足该专业的物理要求.
  4. 学生每门医学化验课程的成绩必须不低于“C”. 学生必须表现出成为高质量患者医疗保健贡献者的愿望和能力.
  5. Clinical experience will be provided in affiliated hospitals or laboratories. 每个学生将负责往返医院的交通,并必须确保所需的服装.

Criminal Background Check/Drug Screening:   
进入临床场所需要对犯罪史和性犯罪者犯罪进行背景调查,并进行尿液药物检查. 有定罪和/或阳性测试的学生可能被禁止临床实践,可能无法完成课程. 犯罪背景调查和尿液药物筛查的费用将由学生承担.

Readmission Requirements: 任何医学实验室课程的期末成绩低于“C”的学生将没有资格继续学习该课程. Contact the program head for readmission requirements.

Accreditation:本专业经国务院高等教育部门批准,并经全国临床检验科学认可机构(NAACLS)全面认证。, 5600 North River Road, Suite 720, Rosemont, IL 60018, (773) 714-8880.

Cooperative Program: Through June 1 of a given year, 来自弗吉尼亚西南六所社区中国博彩平台区的申请人将优先考虑参加合作项目,来自弗吉尼亚其他社区中国博彩平台区的申请人将优先考虑不提供医学实验室技术项目的申请人.

Occupational Objectives: Positions for Medical   
Laboratory Technicians are available in:   
Hospital Laboratories   
Service Agencies   
Physicians' Offices   
Public Health   
Industrial Laboratories   
Pharmaceutical Firms   
Research Institutions   
Veterans Affairs   
Independent Clinical Laboratories   
Armed Forces   
Reference Laboratories


Program Goals and Graduate Competencies:

The program graduate will have knowledge and understanding of:

The specific areas of:

  • Microbiology
  • Hematology
  • Clinical chemistry
  • Blood banking
  • Immunology
  • Body fluids

Factors which affect procedures and results.   
Preventative maintenance of equipment and instruments.   
Basic scientific principles in learning new techniques and procedures.   
Relationship between laboratory findings and common disease processes.   
Quality control processes.   
Health hazards.   
Ethics and confidentiality.

The program graduate will have the necessary skills to work in a medical laboratory.  Specific skill functions will include the specific areas of:

  • Microbiology
  • Hematology
  • Clinical chemistry
  • Blood banking
  • Immunology
  • Body fluids

The collection and processing of biological specimens for analysis.   
Performing analytical tests on body fluids, cells, and products.   
Preventive maintenance on equipment and instruments.   
Relating laboratory finds to common disease process.   
Monitoring quality control within limits.


Specific attitudes include:

  • Interpersonal communication with patients, the public, laboratory personnel, and other health care professionals.
  • Respect for and recognition of the responsibilities of the laboratory personnel.
  • 继续教育作为职业能力成长和维持的一种功能的需要.
  • Ethical, legal, and professional conduct.

The MLT program is affiliated with the following hospitals, which serve as clinical training sites for the program:

  • Buchanan General Hospital; Grundy, VA
  • Dickenson Community Hospital; Clintwood, VA
  • Lewis Gale Hospital Montgomery; Blacksburg, VA
  • Lewis Gale Hospital Pulaski; Pulaski, VA
  • Lonesome Pine Hospital; Big Stone Gap, VA
  • Northern Regional Hospital; Mount Airy, NC
  • Norton Community Hospital; Norton, VA
  • Russell County Medical Center; Lebanon, VA
  • Smyth County Community Hospital; Marion, VA
  • Twin County Regional Hospital; Galax, VA
  • Wythe County Community Hospital; Wytheville, VA

Essential Functions for Admission to the MLT Program

基本功能代表了课程的基本非学术要求,学生必须掌握这些要求才能成功参加课程并获得就业. 以下是入学申请人必须具备的技术能力和技能清单:

Manual dexterity:  Ability to use hand(s) or prosthetic devices with coordination.   
Fine Motor: Ability to manipulate small objects with fingertips or adaptive devices.   
Mobility:  能够在实验室、仪器和住院护理环境中进行操作.   
Vision:  Ability to distinguish red, yellow, and blue colors; distinguish clear from cloudy, and distinguish objects       through a microscope.   
Hearing:  Ability to adapt with assistive devices (i.e., Phone receivers, hearing aids, etc.)   
Speech:  Ability to verbally communicate understandably in English.   
Writing:  Ability to communicate effectively in the written form in English.   
Reading:  Ability to read, understand, and follow directions printed in English.


First Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
BIO 141 3 3 4
CHM 111 3 3 4
ENG 111 3 0 3
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Virginia Tech
ENGL 1105
Radford University
CORE 101
Old Dominion University
Virginias Private Colleges & Universities
Bluefield College
ENG 1013/1023, GEN ED
Liberty University
ENGL 101
Emory & Henry College
ENG 100
MDL 101 2 3 3
MDL 127 1 6 3
SDV 100 1 0 1
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Radford University
UNIV 100 elective
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 13 15 18  

Second Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
BIO 142 3 3 4
BIO 150 3 3 4
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Virginia Tech
BIOL 2604+2614
Radford University
BIOL 334
Old Dominion University
Virginias Private Colleges & Universities
Bluefield College
Liberty University
BIOL 203
Emory & Henry College
Elective Credit
MDL 126 Clinical Immunohematology/Immunology I
MDL 261 3 3 4
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 9 9 12  

Third Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
Elective 1 Humanities/Fine Arts 3 0 3
Elective 2 Social/Behavioral Science 3 0 3
MDL 130 2 3 3
MDL 199 Coordinated Practice in the Clinical Laboratory 0 6 2
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 8 9 11  

Fourth Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
MDL 190 0 6 2
MDL 225 2 3 3
MDL 240 1 3 2
MDL 252 2 3 3
MDL 262 2 6 4
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 7 21 14  

Fifth Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
MDL 227 Clinical Immunohematology/Immunology II 1 6 3
MDL 263 1 6 3
MDL 275 1 6 3
MDL 279 1 3 2
MDL 290 0 6 2
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 4 27 13  

Degree Earned!