Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy

 Alcohol and Controlled Substance Policy

1. Purpose

为了维持一个有利于学习的氛围,并与学院的使命保持一致, Wytheville Community College provides this policy to the members of the College’s community regarding the use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances.

 2. Policy

博彩平台网址大全的学生和雇员不得持有, sell, use, purchase, manufacture, 赠送或以其他方式分发非法物品,包括毒品或, where prohibited, alcohol while on campus, 参加学院主办的校外活动或作为学院代表参加校外会议. Students and employees who violate this policy will be subject to arrest and disciplinary action by the College imposed through established due process procedures.

Students found guilty of possessing, using, distributing, 或销售管制药物将面临严重的纪律处分, 可能包括对初犯的停学和开除. 如学生违反有关非法物品的规定,学院将通知警方.

In addition, WCC和/或任何提供学校认可的机构, off-campus learning experiences for students may require drug and/or alcohol testing prior to student placement or during a learning experience if documented behavior suggesting drug and/or alcohol abuse is exhibited.

 根据dhm政策和程序手册的规定,学院员工将受到纪律处分, Policy Number 1.05. 纪律处分可能包括无薪停职或终止雇佣关系.

 3. State and Federal Statutes

The Commonwealth of Virginia and the Virginia State Alcohol Beverage Control Board have enacted a variety of laws and regulations which govern alcoholic beverages. These laws are included as Appendix A.

 4. Health Risks

Wytheville Community College recognizes that the misuse and abuse of alcohol is a persistent social and health problem of major proportion in our society and that it interferes with the objectives of our institution.


与使用受管制物质有关的具体健康风险见:, or at page 81.

 5. Prevention Program

Recognizing the serious consequences resulting from the inappropriate use of drugs by practically all ages and segments of our society, Wytheville Community College has established student and employee policies that prohibit the possession or consumption of controlled substances on campus. 除了可能导致的纪律处分, the College recognizes the need and the responsibility to provide information and counseling services regarding the hazards of substance abuse. The following program of activities and services constitutes Wytheville Community College’s effort to prevent drug abuse on the part of its students, faculty and staff. The Dean of Student Success and Academic Development will provide oversight for the content and timeliness of the programs.

A. At least once a year, WCC  will conduct a seminar, workshop, 对所有学生开放的信息和意识的展示或其他项目, faculty and staff.

B.  The Wytheville Campus Student Services 1Stop and main offices at the Crossroads Institute in Galax and the Henderson in Marion will provide readily available brochures and information sheets that may be used by individuals for their own personal information and awareness.

C. A list of referral services in the Wytheville Community College’s service area that specialize in assisting persons with substance abuse issues is available through 211 Virginia at . Students, faculty, 请求协助的工作人员将被转介到适当的公共机构. 有关资料也可在网站“At WCC”下查阅。, "Community", and "Community Resources".

 6. Biennial Review

The Vice President of Academics and Institutional Advancement is responsible for completing the biennial review as noted in HEA of 1965 as amended section 120.   The review will:

(1) Determine the effectiveness of the education program and implement needed changes; a. The VP for Student Services will collect program information from the campuses and present the information to the President’s Cabinet for review. 至少,审查将着眼于出勤率和主题的及时性.

a. This group will recommend any needed changes

b. Changes will be forwarded to the Chief of Police, Dean of Student Success and Academic Development, and Policies and Procedures Committee for review. Policy updates will then be disseminated.

(2) Ensure that the disciplinary sanctions applicable under State or Federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol are consistently enforced.

(3)年度通知将在每个秋季学期开始时通过电子邮件发送给所有学生. 它也会被公布在教师手册的网页上, WCC目录和学生手册以及兼职教师手册. 在秋季通知之后开始的员工和学生将被引导到适当的手册中获取信息.



维吉尼亚州的酒精饮料控制法案包含了各种关于持有的法律, use, and consumption of alcoholic beverages. 该法案适用于该机构的学生和雇员. 维吉尼亚州的法规,包括对其违反的制裁,总结如下.

1. 任何21岁以下的人购买或持有任何含酒精饮料都是违法的. Violation of the law exposes the violator to a misdemeanor conviction for which the punishment is confinement in jail for up to 12 months and a fine up to $2,500, either or both. Additionally, 这种人的弗吉尼亚驾驶执照可能会被暂停不超过一年的时间.

2. 任何人向21岁以下的人出售含酒精饮料都是非法的. Violation of the law exposes the violator to a misdemeanor conviction for which the punishment is confinement in jail for up to 12 months and a fine up to $2,500, either or both.

3. It shall be unlawful for any person to consume an alcoholic beverage while driving a motor vehicle upon a public highway of this Commonwealth. 违反本条规定可处以250美元的罚款.

4. 任何人为他人购买酒精饮料是违法的, at the time of the purchase, 他知道或有理由知道,为其购买酒的人是在法定饮酒年龄以下. 对违法行为的刑事处罚与上述第二条相同.

5. 任何人在没有执照的公共场所饮用含酒精饮料都是违法的. 违反法律将使违规者被判轻罪,并处以最高250美元的罚款.

 Controlled Substances and Illicit Drugs

The unlawful possession, distribution, 以及使用管制药物和非法药物, as defined by the Virginia Drug Control Act, are prohibited in Virginia. 根据该法案,受控物质被分类为“附表”," ranging from Schedule I through Schedule VI, as defined in sections 54.1-3446 through 54.1-3456 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. 对违反时间表的处罚载于第18条.可能涉及不超过100万美元的罚款和终身监禁. 维吉尼亚州的法规,包括对其违反的制裁,总结如下.

  1. It is unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally to possess a controlled substance unless the substance was obtained directly from, or pursuant to, 执业医师在执业过程中所开的有效处方或命令, 除非药物管制法(第54条)另有授权.1-3400 et seq.).
    对违反本条规定的人进行起诉, ownership or occupancy of premises or vehicle upon or in which a controlled substance was found shall not create a presumption that such person either knowingly or intentionally possessed such controlled substance.
    1. Any person who violates this section with respect to any controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II of the Drug Control Act shall be guilty of a Class 5 felony, 除了第53条规定的刑罚机构的囚犯以外的任何人.1-1 or in the custody of an employee thereof who violates this section with respect to a cannabimimetic agent is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
    2. 第53条规定的刑罚机构的囚犯以外的任何人.1-1 or in the custody of an employee thereof, who violates this section with respect to a controlled substance classified in Schedule III shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
      1. Violation of this section with respect to a controlled substance classified in Schedule IV shall be punishable as a Class 2 misdemeanor.
      2. Violation of this section with respect to a controlled substance classified in Schedule V shall be punishable as a Class 3 misdemeanor.
    3. Violation of this section with respect to a controlled substance classified in Schedule VI shall be punishable as a Class 4 misdemeanor.
  2. 本条的规定不适用于成员国, federal, county, city or town law-enforcement agencies, jail officers, or correctional officers, as defined in § 53.1-1, certified as handlers of dogs trained in the detection of controlled substances when possession of a controlled substance or substances is necessary in the performance of their duties.

 Local Laws

威斯维尔社区中国博彩平台于布兰德县, Carroll, Grayson, Smyth, and Wythe, as well as the city of Galax.

All of the localities where WCC sites are located have adopted state and federal codes relative to drinking in public and/or public intoxication. However, the Town of Wytheville and the Town of Marion have adopted special ordinances relative to the unlawful use or possession of alcohol.


  • Sec. 107-49 -在公共场合说脏话和醉酒. Similar provisions, Code of Virginia, § 18.2-388


  • Sec. 6-2. - Drinking alcoholic beverages, or offering to another, in public place; penalty; exceptions. Similar provisions, Code of Virginia, § 4.1-308
  • Sec. 6-3. - Drinking or possessing alcoholic beverages in or on public school grounds; penalty Similar provisions, Code of Virginia, § 4.1-309
  • Sec. 6-4. -在市镇公园内或公园内饮用或管有含酒精饮料.
  • Sec. 46-4. - Profane swearing and intoxication in public; transportation of public inebriates to detoxification center. Similar provisions, Code of Virginia, § 18.2-388.


  • Sec. 9-22. - Profane swearing and drunkenness in public; transportation of public inebriates to detoxification center. Similar provisions, Code of Virginia, § 18.2-388.
  • Sec. 9-23. -在公共场所饮酒或向他人示好. Similar provisions, Code of Virginia, § 4-78.
  •  Sec. 9-24. -在校园内饮酒或持有含酒精饮料. Similar provisions, Code of Virginia, § 4-78.1.